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tv   13 Hours at Benghazi - The Inside Story  FOX News  October 25, 2015 6:00pm-7:01pm PDT

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i'm bill o'reilly. please remember, spin stops here. we're definitely looking out for you. you know, you hear over the radio we're taking fire. we're under fire. >> we're under fire. >> and you hear the pleading in their voices. >> you can hear it. >> that they need help. >> i actually dropped to a knee and i got up like why the hell did i do that, and that's when the rocket hit. >> roan had a machine gun and he started laying down hate. >> i rolled him over. there's no response. ripped off his body armor and
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took a pulse and couldn't feel nothing. >> when you realize they are dead, what do you do in. >> i just kind of said a prayer over each, both of them. >> i grew up on the farm, rode horses as much as i could and worked with cattle. my mom had a book that asked what your career would be or what you wanted to grow up to be in. mine was always either a police officer, a firefighter or a soldier. it was december of 1983 when i actually signed up. i wanted to be in the infantry because that's where you goat do all the fun stuff. when i got out of military i
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started working as a police officer and then after that i picked up a job as chief of police in a small town and then moved on to contracting after that. i got to benghazi, and i was going to be there for 60 days. that was my first time into libya. >> i remember walking through our university, and there was an army recruiter, and he picked me out of a crowd and he said, hey, what -- what are you going to do after college? he showed me a ranger video and i asked him i said that's pretty tough. is that hard? man, you've got to be pretty tough to get in it. that's what i want to do. i got at call from blackwater saying hey, we're looking for contractors, go to iraq and i said yes. >> i got the call to go to libya early 2012.
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>> third grade, that's when we lived across the street from the training station and kind of kept going from there. i chose the marine corps. always hear they are the toughest guys so i tried out for the toughest one i could find. i got out for two month before i got totally bored and i ended up getting a job in heating and aired conditioning. i did that until i got into contracting. the first time that i actually went there to libya i went to tripoli. that my first trip, and the second time i went back and the third time and fourth time they were all in benghazi. >> the this attack lasted 13 hours. four people died, including our ambassador, and it was on 9/11. so i want you to take us back to
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the beginning. for people who don't know this job, you know, contractors, i mean, how -- how do you explain it to them? >> private security contractors. for us it was protection. protecting cia case officers overseas, doing low-profile protection. >> how did the hierarchy work over there in. >> there's chief of base, the man guy in charge. >> that was bob? >> yes. >> and then you have the team lead which would be in charge of us. >> our team leader is a staffer. he's an employee for the the ac and all the contractors, if you're talking military-wise, like enlist the folks. >> other members of your team are not here, tyrone woods who you called rone and two other members who remain anonymous. >> yes, that's correct. >> jack and d.b. >> yes. >> so you were set up to protect the annex which was the cia -- >> the personnel at the annex, yes. >> this is -- this gives us a
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perspective of the other facility there which was what you guys call the cons. [ laughter ] where are we here? >> here's the consulate and then here's our compound. >> so pretty close, about -- >> three-quarters of a mile as the crow flies, about a mile drive, maybe a mile, if you did the whole thing. >> so this site, was it well protected? >> the no. it looked nice. it was a beautiful compound. it had orchards. had a really nice house, swimming pool. >> had a nice swimming pool. >> they had their own security. >> they were their own security. >> diplomatic security. >> the diplomatic security. they didn't have like an american force, like a marine detachment. they did it themselves. >> so what did you tell them? >> me in my bluntness, if you guys get attacked you guys are
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going to die, and i said remember, if you ever need us, you call us and we'll come get. >> you what is your reaction when you hear the ambassador is coming on benghazi september 10, september 11? >> we're only thinking there's five guys to protect him and that's a huge compound. >> so 9/11 comes. >> mm-hmm. >> pretty routine day it sounds like, during the day? >> yeah, normal day, just doing normal tasks stuff, task organization stuff. you had a move late in the afternoon, afternoon, early evening. >> went out to meet some people for dinner. normal night. town looked normal. there was nothing that looked any different than any other day. >> and there was no whisper this this video was a major problem in benghazi. >> didn't know about a video until i got to germany. >> no idea about any video, no, sir. >> all right. so how do you hear that something is wrong? >> our team leader. he actually came across the radio, and i remember, i looked
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at my watch, and it was 9:32 when i got the call, first call on the radio that first said, hey, you know, we need gr >> what is that? >> grs operators? >> global response staff. >> i remember i looked at d.b. and said, hey, something is going on. we're going to do something tonight, grabbed my stuff and started moving to our team room. >> where were you? >> myself and jack were in building "d." i was just getting undressed and getting ready to go to bed. >> i met the tl about halfway and said, hey, man, what's happening? and he said conference center attack. could you start hearing the fire, the actual concentration of fire and some explosions. >> it was a relatively quiet night in benghazi, and by 9:00 the seven americans in the compound are settling down for the night. you've got the ambassador in his room writing in his diary and sean smith, the communications expert online talking with a friend, and you've got five diplomatic security agents
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somewhe. somewhere 30 or 40 minutes later men stream on to the compound bearing ak-47s and shouting in arabic and shooting off their guns. >> almost instantly they have overrun the compound. 17 february militiamen supposed to be guarding the compound, they just flee. >> now you are ready to go. >> comes up, thumbs up, ready to go. >> then what happens? >> i went to the tl and i said, hey, we're ready to go and bob looks right through me and looks at team leader and says you guys need to wait. he's on the phone talking to somebody. i assumed they were trying to coordinate us to link up with 17 february. >> which is the local militia. >> the local militia. >> probably been 15 minutes, i think, and i got out of car, and bob and the team leader were standing on the front porch, and i just said, hey, you know, we need to get over and we're losing the initiative, you know, and bob just looks straight at me and says stand down, you need to wait. >> starting to get calls from the state department guys saying
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we're taking fire. we need you guys here, we need help. >> we were talking about it in the car. >> why are we waiting? >> ambassador stevens and sean smith are forced to take refuge in a specially protected area, the safe haven inside the villa. with them is scott wickland, a security agent charged with protecting the ambassador. they hide behind a locked gate. wickland waits in the shadows with a rifle, ready to shoot anyone who tries to enter. the attackers can't get in but use nearby diesel fuel to set the villa on fire. >> from beginning to when you're ready to go thumbs up, you're ready to go out to the time that you actually pull out what's that time frame? >> close to 25 minutes. i went up to bob and said, hey, we need to go and got the wait again, and i got in the my car and told the tl to get in the back seat and looked at rone,
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gave me a thumbs up and i gave him a thumbs up and we left. >> you guys did that pretty much on your own. >> yes. we were never given the okay to go. the final straw for us to go, at least that's my opinion and how i felt, was one of the ds agents said, hey, they are starting to light buildings on fire. you need to get here. >> they used the word stand down. a number of people now, including the house intelligence committee, they insist no one was hindered from responding to the situation at the compound. the committee's wording was quote, there was no stand down order given to american personnel attempting to offer assistance that evening so what do you say to that? >> it happened. >> it happened on the ground -- all i can talk about is what happened on the ground. >> to you. >> to us, to myself twice and to -- to tig once. it happened that night. that happened. we were told to waited and stand down. we were delayed three times. >> you asked for support. >> after i was leaving i said,
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well, get us an isr, a uav, a drone and get us a specter gunship. >> the drone would have given you eyes on above. >> eyes. >> and the ac-130. >> support and firepower. >> exactly. >> i remember, i still remember, >> i remember this the that still gives me chills. they are lighting the building on fire. if you guys do not get here, we're going to die. >> scott wickland leads ambassador stevens and sean smith to a spot in the bathroom inside the safe haven. the window there is barred and acrid smoke billows into the area. he hopes to get them to a nearby bedroom which has a window that can be opened from the inside. he says follow me and crawls
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towards that spot. it's dark and smokey, but he makes it to the window. he opens it and drops out. only then does he realize stevens and smith haven't followed. he goes back in several times but can't find them. finally exhausted and choking he climbs to the roof and radios alec anderson and dave ubin, two security agents elsewhere inside the compound. his message, the ambassador and sean smith are missing. >> now, tig, you and jack and rone are going the front gate. >> yes. >> and it's open. >> when i was standing right here and a land cruiser came from this direction, i thought it was like bad guys stealing the land cruisers so i drew down my weapon and then i saw it was ds guys actually driving it, and that's when i -- when i heard, hey, you know, we can't find the ambassador so i started moving towards the front porch and
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getting up on the front porch and that's when they were pulling sean's body out the window. >> sean smith. >> but the ambassador is still lost. >> the ambassador is still lost. >> yeah. >> tig, you and tyrone woods, rone, go into the building one of many times, go in and there's a moment there. >> he was saying, hey, i can't find my way out. i kept saying come to my voice, come to my voice and almost made another right into where i think it was the dining room and it was just totally engulfed in flames and i reached out and grabbed him and said this way and we just went out and coughed up a couple lungs. >> now, tonightor, you're back here with d.b. >> yes. >> one of the libyan guards in the back, mister, mister, come open the gate and i come back and open the gate and i looked at commander, i said when you come through this gate, you close it, you lock it, and i moved forward and he didn't do that, and we paid for it. we paid for it down the road.
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>> you've been there for a while now and you can't find the ambassador. you've been in multiple times and then you hear gunfire from outside the compound, and then reg regrenade. >> where did it hit? >> it was where we were collecting and going out and another explosion goes off and it's inn the gate. >> and i started returning fire. >> i was in the safe haven and the gunfire started cracking. >> and what did you do? >> i moved over here crouched all the way down and at the same time a guy with an rpg moved into the view of the gate and that's what he was coming up shoot and run away, come up here and shoot and run away and just as he was shooting i shot him. >> you shot him and he went down. >> and it was like a light switch, everything stopped. >> so you guys finally get together. you what, give up the search for the ambassador? >> he made the call and we had
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done everything -- tig been in that house and jack in that house so many time and the state department guys said they left the compound and on their way back to ours. >> rone tells him to make sure to make a left. >> and then in the confusion of the counterattack they take a right. >> they take a right. >> i said to myself, i can't say what i said to myself on camera, but it was damn, you knuckleheads. >> now we're holding a piece of property that basically there's nobody else on. >> comes on the radio and says everybody get down. we're getting out of here ♪
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i see them all the time. did you finish your derivative pricing model, honey? for all the confidence you need. td ameritrade. you got this. while they were jogging up, rone calls me on the cell phone and tells me you need to get back to base and just stay away from the consulate. >> so you tell the case officer we'll wrap this up. >> she's trying to say her good-byes and i'm like we need to go now, and -- and like any good case officer she's trying to gather information of what's going on and then i just looked world now you need to be quite because let me do what i need to do. >> now, you have been back on the compound in the annex for a while. you said before you -- you felt
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like you wanted to be with your team, but you also knew you had a job to do there. >> i knew i was the only one. i mean, we are two site security officers who were a great help but from the grs said i was the only one there. the ds guys come back first. >> yes. >> the armored car held up and they roll in. >> i could hear when they were leaving, they announce it had over the radio and then i heard tons of gunfire and he heard where they were at and he said hot. >> which means. >> they are coming in hot. they are coming in fast. flop, flop, flop, the sound of the fires and they are on run flats but you still hear that sound coming through and both sides in the front win the shield, wind screen were all shot up. >> you could see the relief on their face once they got in.
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>> he looked in like a chimney sweep, almost blocked from head to toe. i told him to get inside and get some medical help. the other guys asked what they could do and i told hem to get up on to the various buildings, and we had one get up on each side of the buildings here and i went back up on this building, and -- and until our guys come in. they knew where they were going too, so each one of them went to their pre-position or pre-planned positions. >> jack is up on this roof. rone is up here. >> tonto and d.b. are here. tig is over in this corner initially, and i'm over in this corner over here. >> you guys are exhausted. >> yeah. >> i mean, some of you probably have smoke inhalation, and you're preparing maybe for another fight. >> but now -- just gut feeling we were going to get attacked
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and my adrenaline went back up. >> not long after they showed up you start hearing tires screeching over in this area and we started asking over the radio to the tl if fed 17 is coming over to assist us, and then the response was they are not sure. so we immediately assumed that anything that's coming in is coming in that are bad guys. >> i asked the status of the specter gunship, and the teamer came across the radio and said we're checking on it and that's the last -- that's the last time i got an actual answer if we were going to get any support or not. >> i was expecting at least some kind of air support. even if it was a flyover by a jet or whatever. >> sometimes that's all it takes. it gets the bad guys down. >> no doubt that would have been nice? >> i want to put this back up here just so you describe what's outside the annex that you're most concerned about. >> the stock yards. >> the stock yards. >> and the very -- a lot of concealment.
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a lot of bushes and small trees in this area and this is what we call zombieland, basically. >> coming over from right at this intersection. >> they are starting to stage here, here in this whole -- this is just a big open parking lot, and here's the -- here's the house that we're seeing people start to go into that little area. >> and they can come into here and it gives them access to our back gate. >> so you're watching this develop and these cars and the people going into this house that you don't really know if it's bad guys or not, and what's the engagement, you're going to wait until they fire on you. >> wait until we see action from them that specifies them being attacking us or going to attack us. i mean, i'm not going to wait to get hit before i hit back. we start seeing movement coming from this direction through the night vision goggles. >> the caveat here if this house had kids in there that would
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actually come and pester us every once and a while, you didn't want to open fire. i don't want to the shoot anybody that doesn't have it coming to them or start shooting a child. they were starting to move up on us and d.b. said, hey, i got movement. >> are you lasing them? >> i've got my layers and i'm lasing targets saying i'm picking out targets, people i see and i go on the radio with oz and tig and he says i got your laser. >> can they see them? >> only with night vision. >> at this point when they are moving up, in my mind we're going to engage them. going to let them get as close as possible and then take them out via -- the first thing they fired was an rpg and it went flying over the compound. >> came over our -- myself and d.b.'s head. >> i was bringing water over to oz and i got about right here about the corner of the gym. >> it's a huge flash bomb.
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>> a homemade explosive. >> it goes off. >> just inside. >> and to me it was just -- it's on and we just started fighting and started lighting them up and i was laying targets, laying targets and shooting them. >> the fire fight starts. what does that look like? >> it's gorgeous, man, it's awesome. >> it's a green hue and with the laser dancing back and forth from target to target you see three, four sets of lasers just bouncing back and forth taking out targets and you'll see a flash of light which is the enemy shooting at you and you can heart round going back your head and you're gest re--engaging the rounds. >> anybody take a hit? >> me and tig were on this corner and they were trying to shoot out lights and secondary of one of the lights splattered up into my face and cut me across the top -- the bridge of the nose. >> so you push back. you obviously take down a lot of people, and it stops.
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>> to me, it's hard to explain, we won that game. all right, good deal. morale goes up. we all could feel it, it still won't over yet. they were going to see our defenses and they would be coming back with a bigger force because that's what we would do. >> but there's a big break then. >> two hours, two and a half hours. >> at what point do you hear about ambassador stevens? >> there was a ds agent up on the building with jack and scott wickland, and he got a phone call, and that's how we found out that he was at the -- at the hospital. >> by 1:00 a.m. local looters and curiosity-seekers have entered the consulate grounds and infiltrated the safe haven. six apparently good samaritans come across an unresponsive man. they take him to the benghazi medical center where he's worked on for 45 minutes before being declared dead. they have scott wickland's phone
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which had been given to ambassador stevens during the attack. calling wickland's stored numbers someone gets to the american embassy in tripoli and says a man has been found and he's dead. the caller provides a description matching ambassador chris stevens. caller provides description. matching ambassador chris stevens. >> there's a car pulls up and >> a new car pulls up and parks and a guy comes out from around the side of the car and he's reaching like he's throwing something and right as he brings his arm pack to throw i engage him. i move and shoot him two to three times. he goes down and whatever he threw landed just short of our back gate and exploded which then engage the again. >> it was signal. >> it was signal. this was big, a larger force
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coming through. there was i would say between 20 cars. >> again, we just started taking them out. >> like ducks in a row of a shooting gallery. like hitting one guy in the head and dropping. >> like bursts of fire. >> they were kind of spraying. they were constantly spraying. >> we are doing controlled bursts, aim and shoot. you don't flip it on fully auto and you are aiming, a single shot and you're shooting, shooting, shooting until they turn tail and run. >> so so far you've taken ak fire and rpgs. >> yeah. >> are you worried that something heavier is coming? >> after -- after the second, yes. >> they are waiting for a third. >> waiting for something bigger. why do so many people choose aleve? it's the brand more doctors recommend for minor arthritis pain. plus, just two aleve can last all day. you'd need 6 tylenol arthritis to do that. aleve. all day strong.
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you can't breathed. through your nose. suddenly, you're a mouthbreather. well, just put on a breathe right strip which instantly opens your nose up to 38% more than cold medicine alone. shut your mouth and say goodnight mouthbreathers. breathe right in that second attack that's when i finally got a chance to sit down. all you can think of what was the last conversation that i had with my spouse or my kids? was if good or was it bad? >> what was yours? >> it was good. especially overseas you want to make that last conversation always good. >> when was it? >> it was the night before. so i knew hi spoken with them and, hey, that's it. time for back on the job. >> rone had just come back up and we had been sitting up there talking because we both had
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young kids. >> rone had extended, but he was looking forward to going -- >> that would have been his last trip. >> he wanted to see -- getting to see his baby. >> he had twins. >> yeah. >> what's he telling you? >> every day and two or three times a day we would skype and send photos and video of the twins, whenever i was expecting a phone call and didn't get one, that's when you start to worry a little bit. >> all right. you guys good? >> we always e-mailed or talked on the phone and he would always call around 3:00, 4:00 p.m. our time, always, and if he didn't, i knew ahead of time why he wasn't going to be able to call. >> we'd talk every day, whenever time would allow, and most often the same time every day. if he didn't call me, you know, at the time he was supposed to call me, then, you know, i would begin to worry.
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>> that's one of the reasons i'm fighting. that's one of the reasons i'm doing what i do. not only for the people here, for the family back home, but primarily you're thinking about your team and that's their family. >> their family, because their family. i mean, we're all family now and we're all brothers and that's the way it is so you're thinking of this family here as much as that family there. >> most of the people are staged here. >> i ended up on top of the command center and building "c" had with rone at this point. >> more cars come by. what happens then? >> we don't know what they are doing. we didn't know if the guys were lost or still trying to probe us. >> and there's a guy with a cell phone. >> yeah, yeah. >> he just walked up, cell phone and walked back. maybe he was getting gps coordinates with his phone. >> again, another thing in benghazi is eerie. i want to shoot him. is he just a guy taking a walk? weird things are happening.
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morale is up around us, we're good and fought them off again. again. >> i was expecting, you know, more cars. actually the first convoy was quite small and honestly i was just happy to see them. >> least guys i worked with before so i recognize them off the at. >> including glen doherty? >> navy s.e.a.l., connection with rone and with jack. >> rone and i had just done a trip in tripoli before benghazi. i just knew him from contracting. >> so they come in and they go to building "c." >> mm-hmm. >> and you guys are still kind of waiting for what's happening. >> the aircraft that they had wasn't big enough to take us all back, so they were going to take the non-shooting personnel and get them out to the airport. >> to the airport. >> we were going to stay there and hold the alamo and -- and --
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>> literally. >> literally. >> literally. >> and i think they had probably been there about an hour. me and rone were talking about that wondering what's taking so long, why aren't we getting out of here. the sun was starting to couple, but it was, you know, we better be ready for another attack because this is when it's going to come. >> it was about that time that glen come up on the roof. >> climbed up the ladder. >> and come over and was talking to rone and rone had introduced me to bub because i never worked with him before and he said he's a sniper and hopefully we ain't going to need you by i'm glad to have another shooter up. glen, bub turned and was walking back towards the front of the building and almost immediately a mortar come in and landed on top of the wall right there. >> when i heard it, and i didn't even know i heard, it basically sounds like when a rocket goes off. >> small arms fire starting coming from this direction. rone had a machine gun and he
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stood in probably like a three-quarter cross position and just started laying down hate. >> laying down through this avenue of approach from down here. i started to engage with him. i ran out of ammo and knelt down, changed magazines and right as i'm coming up, and i start to re-engage, another mortar hits. almost to the center of the building here, and that one it knocked me back and that's what hit rone. rone was standing to my left. i got knocked back, and as i stood back up i saw him out of corner of my eye and he was in a fetal position in the corner right here. >> i stand up and try to re--engage with my rifle and i bring my hand up and from here down is hanging off at a 90-degree angle. >> your hand is hang. >> yeah. >> i try to keep it up and it
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work and that's when the second round hit. that's when i saw bub go down about right here. i wasn't sure if he was hit or if he was just taking cover and then i turned back and again tried to engage and get my hand to come up and a third round hit in the same vicinity, and at that point, i mean, i just felt like i got hit by -- stung by a thousand beetz just up and down my side and i figured i better goat some cover now in case another one comes and the whole night went quiet after that. >> is it tough to talk about? >> yeah. yeah, just a little. >> i bet. >> but, you know, it's what has to be done. you're in a fight. you've got to stay in the fight. that's the only thing i could think of is rone is down. somebody needs to continue firing. >> and you see this mortar
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attack. what are you doing? >> i'm still -- i'm over here on tower three, still, you know, covering this area. to me it looked like it hit right around here. we had no cover from mortar attacks. i mean, even the buildings. i'm surprised that didn't collapse. >> another explosion hits right here. when i heard another thump, that's when i jumped off the tower and moved back and got somewhere right around here, and that's when the -- the mortar hit, and once that mortar hit it just -- it was pitch black and dead quiet. jack came over and said, hey, there's no movement and that's when i sprinted to the ladder and then i just kind of skidied on up and jumped over the parapet and that's when i saw dave ubin off to my left. looked like somebody in the center and then a couple other people maybe over here, but it's still a lot -- the smoke was
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still up there from just the debris kind of settling down, and so i moved over to dave. i find a tourniquet because dave's leg was pretty much completely severed off. i think it was just barely hanging on by a thread and same with his arm. >> ligaments, yeah. >> so got the tourniquets on him. called back on the radio and said, hey, i need help up here, you know. i need -- i need help. i heard noise so i moved over to where the noise was. >> and i was trying to get a tourniquet out and put on myself and then i -- >> meanwhile your hand is still flopped out. >> so i pulled out tourniquet and tried to fix my arm. kept grabbing it and trying to put it back in place. >> and he's go hey check this out. and i'm like, dude, you need to stop, you're going to make it worse. got a tourniquet there and reached down and grabbed the tourniquet and threw it on him real quick and stood him up.
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>> he asked me if i could get down or get over the ladder and i'm like, yeah, i'm going to have to because i knew there were others that were down. >> you're pretty banged up. >> yeah. just a little bit. i got hit in the chest up and down my side and got hit in the throat and i hooked my top around around the top rung of the ladder and just climbed over and was concentrating on just thinking, you know, if i -- if i fall now i'm going to break my neck and die and that's the last thing i want to do so i'm just concentrating on getting my feet on that rung and sure enough i slip and luckily i had my arm and i caught myself and pulled myself back up and got down and then was able to inch my way down the ladder. >> after i got oz up and moving, i went straight back to rone. he was still in the fetal position. i rolled him over. and there's no response.
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i ripped off his body armor and tried to, you know, got that off and took a pulse and couldn't feel nothing and got the flashlight and shined in his eyes and no pupil movements and no dialation and put my ear to his chest and tried to see if his chest was going up or down and if i could hear a heartbeat and there's nothing so i left him and went over to the other guy so i did pretty much the same exact thing and checked him and ripped off his body armor and there was nothing. >> when you realized they are dead, what do you do? >> i just kind of said a prayer over each -- both of them. >> the quote is god, watch over him and guide him to where he needs to be. take care of his family. >> mm-hmm.
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>> so after that, you know, i kind of -- the "d" boys the whole time, they just want to the get everybody off the roof and i -- when i was doing the prayer, i just ignored them, you know. it was like gathered up everybody's weapons that was left. >> you got to get the bodies off the -- off the roof. it's tough. >> the "d" boys picked the body up and dumped them over the side of the roof. maybe that's not the right description and they got them off the roof. the most expedient manner and by doing that it was just throwing them over the edge of the roof to get them down. and i made the decision whether right, wrong or indifferent, but
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turned on the news, and there it was, you know, four americans were dead and two were unidentified, and -- and i'm like, you know, he hasn't called me. i tried texting him. i tried calling him, you know, began to cry and i just hit my knees and prayed. >> in past experience if i start panicking right away then i just get myself worked up so i just tried to not worry about it, and i thought, well, i'll hear from him in the morning or the next evening. >> there was a ticker on the bottom of whatever news channel it was, and it said something to
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the effect that there was an attack on the annex in benghazi, and my heart dropped and i'm like, gosh, how am i going to tell the kids, and that was my first reaction. >> let me take you to when the bigger convoy arrived. >> yes. >> you finally get there, it's like 50 cars. there's technicals which are the big mounted machine guns. >> it was a mean convoy. >> remember the first vehicle coming in. i had my gun on them and eyes on, and i'm aiming right at his head and i just reached my hand off with my off hand and i went like this, and he -- he reached out -- reached out of the car and did -- had a big smile and one thing we learn on these jobs you have to know how to read
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people. >> was there a part of you guys who looked at that convoy and said where was that, where was that before? >> i said where -- where the hell were these guys? where were they? >> hours ago. >> exactly. >> you get everybody mounted up and you drive them to the airport in this massive convoy but still probably worried about attacks on the way. >> sure. >> you get there, and there's another confrontation. >> between the militias, yeah. >> our militia and then whoever militia was controlling the airport, and, you know, we either bigger militia so we got through. >> you have a smaller airplane. it's not exactly big for everybody. >> yeah. >> load you guys up. or you walk off. >> they are starting to pull me off and i'm like i walked into benghazi, i'm going to walk out of here and i get up and slide to the edge and stand up. there's still blood dripping down my arm because it was a private jet. there was a flight attendant and her eyes get as big as saucer
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plates and she's laying towels down because she's worried about her boss' airplane getting messed up and then they bring in dave, and he was in and out of-ness throughout the flight and somewhere somewhere in betwn that somebody's clearing their gun or pistol. >> in the plane. >> in the plane. and a round goes off. and the pilot is -- he wasn't going to take off until they could confirm whether or not the fuselage had been breached. >> but they figured it out. >> it had lodged against one. seat posts and didn't penetrate anything. >> dave was bleeding out. if there was another delay -- >> he probably wouldn't have made it because he was down to as much blood as a person could lose before they die. >> you're taking off in the plane. the rest of you guys are going
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to wait for the next plane. >> yes. >> with the bodies. >> yes. >> then eventually the body of ambassador stevens. >> yes. >> i didn't answer on the first ring. it rang a couple of times because i wasn't sure who it was going to be. if it was going to be him or if it was going to be some, you know, representative informing me of what had happened. i took a deep breath and i listened. and i said, okay, and i love you. i probably didn't sleep much that night. >> it was really brief. he just said, i'm okay, everything is okay, and i just -- and click, he hung up. so it was super quick. >> finally, it was about 5:00 in the afternoon, a nurse had called and said that he had arrived there. so i was just like -- like i
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could breathe. just thanked god. >> i'd do it all over again. >> yes. >> definitely. i'd be there. >> it's just the way we are. >> we run to it. we're not running away from it. >> how often do you get back to this 13 hours? do you think about it a lot? >> every day you think about it. there ain't a day that you don't. >> i mean, i'm reminded every time i go to grab something. >> because of your hand. >> because i still don't have full use of it. probably never will have full use of it. i mean -- but -- so it is a reminder. but it reminds me of the honor of fighting with guys like ted and tonight toe and rome and be jack and db.
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very few times in your life will you get to form a bond like this. most of the time it's done in situations that suck. but, you know, i wouldn't give it up. >> when you see all of the back-and-forth that has happened over the past roughly two years, what do you think about all the political battle, that sort of thing? >> you can't get wrapped up in that. we're not politicians. you know, we're soldiers. we're marines, ranges, still are. we'll always be. so leave that to the politicians. i can't speak for why a politician did this or that. all i can speak for is what we went through that night and what happened. >> i gave you that 30 minutes back and i gave you some air power, would ambassador stevens and sean smith be alive today? >> yes. to me, without the delay, they
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would still be alive. my gut says yes. >> you in on that? >> i strongly believe if we had left immediately they'd still be alive today. >> i think there's a lot of things could have been different. i mean, air power, if we had some air support, they would have sent somebody in. >> the specter in my opinion can see heat signatures. >> they would have been able to see the mortar. >> right. rone and bub would be alive. >> would it have improved our chances? oh, heck yeah. this is called non-24. learn more by calling 844-824-2424. or visit try phillips' fiber good gummies plus energy support.
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shouldn't be so much work. by engineering a better way for people, process and technology to work together. work can work better. with xerox. . >>. >> this is a fox news alert. dr tragedy off the coast of british columbia. a whale watching boat has sunk off of vancouver island. there were 27 people on board. canadian authorities there say there are multiple fatalities. a search and rescue operation is now under way. the joint rescue coordination center says the vessel made a mayday call about 7:00 eastern time. several local maritime companies are now assisting with the search and rescue operation. again, we want to remind you that a whale watching boat has sunk off vancouver island in british columbia. authorities say there are
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multiple fatalities. keep watching fox news for the latest. we'll have updates as information becomes available. i'm kelly wright in new york. now back to "13 hours at benghazi." >> very difficult to pick things up. and it's one of the things you don't really think about until you don't have it anymore. oh, you like the red one? want me to hold your baby? >> we just thank you that we're here with our friends and just watch over us and keep us safe and god bless us. >> greater love hath no man for this, than a man lay down his life for his friends. i think of tyrone and bub every time i read that. >> they're still part of the
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team. >> they're just somewhere else no right now. eventually we'll all link up again someday. hi, i'm greg gutfeld voted sexiest keebler elf of 2015. here's what's coming up. when the person in front of you reclines their seat, is it okay to strangle them? we discuss. what's the best horror movie ever? that's a question i'd like to hear at the next debate, not this crud about jobs and deficits. ooh. later, joanne and katherine hit the streets without makeup. if this doesn't win an emmy, i'm killing a panda. let's get this going, america. i've got a procedure in the morning. should the american people be trusting that man? >> there's no urgency or we never get to the answers. >> why doesn't someone say, i have a problem with the way you're


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